At Heidelberg Cement, cash is no longer an issue

Complete cash cancellation

Úvod 2022 08

HeidelbergCement no longer handles cash

Take a look at a customer story from HeidelbergCement, a company that got rid of cash altogether.

About the company

One of the largest companies importing building materials throughout Europe. Its exports include transport of concrete and associated cement and gravel. In the Czech Republic, it owns 3 companies under the domain name of Českomoravský beton, Českomoravský cement and Českomoravský štěrk.


Beroun 660
266 01 Beroun

Company size

500-1000 employees



The main difficulties


Main benefits

Abolishing cash registers and streamlining employee spending.

The HeidelbergCement Group is one of the largest exporters of building materials in the world, and with that comes a number of expenses that have held back their economy. Their exports include mainly transport concrete and associated cement, gravel and sand.

However, their plants are spread all over Europe and cash financing of individual sand and cement plants was difficult for the company. The Czech subsidiary HeidlbergCement ČR therefore decided to find a way to streamline employee spending in the field.

"It was complicated for my colleagues in the finance department because they had to manually record everything, enter it, pay out the cash, and this is an overall simplification of the whole process."

Lengthy record keeping and cash disbursement

According to Marek Tláskal, spokesman for the Czech branch of HeidlbergCement ČR, the company was most plagued by manual record-keeping, entering all the requirements related to the payment and subsequent cash payments. The aim was to abolish manual cash registers and switch to a fully automated solution.

Solution found in Fidoo

Here Fidoo was able to help with employee cards that went to all the plants across the Czech Republic. Employees no longer have to ask for funds at the cash registers, but have their own cards that they can use to pay anytime and anywhere, streamlining work in all businesses.

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