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Statutory and other key roles

What is the role of the statutory representative in Fidoo

  • the main role is to place application users in key roles.
  • Its other activity is controlling, it has an overview of all users’ expenses, but it cannot edit them.

Other key roles


  • sets up expenses (pre-costing, VAT breakdown, …) and projects
  • can edit and reject expenses and receipts of all users
  • closes all expenses and personal accounts
  • balances cash
  • sets the integration into the accounting system
  • exports to accounting and payroll systems


  • charges and discharges the cash wallet of each user

AML Commissioner

  • verifies (identifies) cardholders on the basis of authorisation from Fidoo

Finance Administrator

  • recharges and uncharges Fidoo account
  • sets up direct debits and Fidoo account
  • receives information about the drop in the Fidoo account
  • can order travel insurance

Main Administrator

  • adds, edits and deletes users
  • orders, recharges and discharges, locks and blocks cards
  • sets the approval
  • sets restrictions on cards
  • sets teams
  • sets up receipts (meal and pocket money)
  • sets up vehicles
  • sets the integration into the accounting system
  • manages the API key
  • orders travel insurance
  • can change the company’s mailing address
  • can add users to the key roles of Accountant, Cashier and Fleet manager

Fleet manager

  • sets up vehicles
  • sets up notifications to alert you to an unprocessed logbook
  • can process and validate the logbooks of all users

Setting key roles

To add a user to a key role

  1. Section SettingsCompanyKey persons.
  2. Select the role and click Add (right).
  3. Select from the list of users and select Continue and Yes, I confirm.
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To delete a user from a key role

  1. Section SettingsCompanyKey persons.
  2. Select the key role, click Delete button and select Yes, I confirm.

User rights and roles

Key roles and their rights


  • creates, edits and submits their expenses (card and cash) for approval


  • sets up expenses (pre-costing, VAT breakdown, …) and projects
  • can edit and reject expenses and receipts of all users
  • closes all expenses and personal accounts
  • balances cash
  • sets the integration into the accounting system
  • exports to accounting and payroll systems


  • charges and discharges the cash wallet of each user

AML Commissioner

  • verifies (identifies) cardholders on the basis of authorisation from Fidoo

Finance Administrator

  • recharges and uncharges Fidoo account
  • sets up direct debits and Fidoo account
  • receives information about the drop in the Fidoo account
  • can order travel insurance

Main Administrator

  • adds, edits and deletes users
  • orders, recharges and discharges, locks and blocks cards
  • sets the approval
  • sets restrictions on cards
  • sets teams
  • sets up receipts (meal and pocket money)
  • sets up vehicles
  • sets the integration into the accounting system
  • manages the API key
  • orders travel insurance
  • can change the company’s mailing address
  • can add users to the Accountant key role

Fleet manager

  • is responsible for the management of company vehicles and the entire agenda associated with the logbook

Statutory representative

  • determines the key roles in the application – he is the only one who can add and remove key roles (except for the accountant, the Main Administrator can also assign it).

Packages of rights

View users and cards

  • view list of users and cards
  • export of users

Managing users and cards

  • creation and management of users and cards
  • view list of users and cards
  • export of users
  • user profile settings
  • user rights management
  • managing card actions lock and block
  • approval settings (people, teams and team cards)

Manage card actions to charge and uncharge

  • display of cards
  • charging and discharging the card

Overview of corporate finances

  • overview of corporate finances
  • overview of invoices and charges
  • generation of Fidoo account statements

Overview of company finances without Fidoo account

  • overview of company expenses, cards and their transactions, cash and wallets

Managing corporate finances

  • setting up one-off/regular direct debits
  • Fidoo account debit
  • setting up notifications on your Fidoo account
  • view and manage card transactions
  • adding a note to a transaction
  • generation of statements and reports on cards / card transactions
  • overview of corporate finances
  • overview of invoices and charges
  • generation of Fidoo account statements
  • generating a report of receipts