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Edit users

Edit user identification

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to edit.
  2. Click on Settings icon and select Edit Identification.
  3. Edit the necessary fields and Save settings.

Edit user profile (phone, position, employee number)

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to edit.
  2. Click on
    Settings icon
    and select Edit Profile.
  3. Edit the necessary fields and Save settings.

Change user rights and roles

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to edit.
  2. Click on
    Settings icon
    and select Edit rights.
  3. Check/uncheck the rights you want to assign or remove and Save.

Modification of the key role of accountant/treasurer/fleet manager

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to edit.
  2. Click on
    Settings icon
    and select Edit Key Roles.
  3. Add/remove the user from the role and confirm with the Yes, I confirm button.

Ordering travel insurance

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to insure.
  2. Click on
    Settings icon
    and select Order Insurance.
  3. Select one of the options and click on Order Standard or Plus Insurance.
  4. Confirm with the Order insurance button.

Cancellation of travel insurance

  1. Settings People – click on the user you want to cancel insurance for.
  2. Click on
    Settings icon
    and select Terminate Insurance.
  3. Confirm with the Cancel Insurance button.

Pocket allowance settings

  1. Settings People – select the person you want to set the pocket money for.
  2. Click on
    Settings icon
    and select Pocket Money Settings.
  3. Check/uncheck the box to enable/disable the foreign business travel allowance and Save.

Notification settings

  1. Section
    Settings – People
    – Select the user you want to set notifications for.
  2. Select a tab
    and tick
    Individual settings
  3. By sliding the button /to turn on/off messages or notifications, and Save.

Deleting a user

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  1. Settings People – select the user you want to delete.
  2. Click on
    Settings icon
    and select Delete user.
  3. Confirm with the Delete user button.